Sostre Cívic – Cohousing Project Website

Sostre Cívic is an organization that promotes an alternative to the current housing model: the assigned-for-use housing co-operative, or cohousing. In response to the housing crisis in Barcelona, many people are turning to the Sostre Cívic housing model. At this time of growth, the organization has decided to make a new website within the framework of a communication strategy that can offer more answers to the cooperative members.
A responsive website has been developed with the WordPress content manager. The challenges of the project have consisted of laying out the tailor-made effects of the design and working with WordPress blocks to create reusable elements that make content editing easy for the Sostre Civic team.


Pam a pam – social and solidarity economy map


Pam a pam is the collaborative map of the Social and Solidarity Economy of Catalonia. A collective tool that contributes to social transformation through the visibility of initiatives that operate under the criteria of the solidarity economy.

The main objectives of the project at an external level have been to improve the design, usability and functionality of the Pam to Pam web platform. Internally, the main goal was for the new platform to improve project data management and internal communication flows between project workers and volunteers. With this intention, we have built a backoffice in Java to manage the internal information and a web application based on WordPress.

Wordpress, Spring, Vaadin

La Comunal – Cooperative Group Website

La Comunal, located in Sants neighborhood in Barcelona, is a project promoted by organizations of the Solidarity Economy that wanted shared headquarters to promote the wellbeing of its members but also to generate new cultural cooperative reference space in the city. The shared headquarters have been running since 2020 and in 2021 they wanted to achieve new audiences with the campaign Eixam Sense Reina.

At Jamgo we have helped to promote this campaign with the design and development of the communication website of La comunal, built on WordPress. Also, we did some SEO work, especially important as the project started from scratch and visibility was key.


Barcelona Activa – Workshops

Workshop given by Jamgo that is part of Barcelona Activa’s training offer. The workshop is aimed at evaluating and improving the digital strategy of women entrepreneurs by teaching them how to measure results with Google Analytics and other digital analytics tools. The training includes notions of SEO / web positioning, as well as tools for evaluating strategy on social media.

TreasureFamilyApp is an app that allows users to observe how children grow from 0 to 6 years old and offers personalized advice. It empowers families to recognize the most prominent indicators of their child’s development and makes it easier for them to know what to do if they are worried about their child’s growth. The App offers a questionnaire at the beginning of each age range, where the baby or child is assessed.

We have developed an app for iOS and Android connected to a backoffice developed with our framework where more than 2000 activities and resources are presented to follow the evolution of children with graphics and personalized circuits.

TreasureFamilyApp is the result of the mutual cooperation between the cooperatives Baulacreix, Magroc, Deltacoop, Claraboia and Jamgo.

Ecological Footprint Calculator

Casa Jam Barcelona is a hostel that promotes responsible tourism and generating environmental awareness is key for them. With that purpose, we have developed a tool to calculate the ecological footprint of the hostel’s clients. It is an application in which the client can enter his travel data and consult his average daily consumption of light, water and waste during his stay in the hostel. At the end of their stay, the client receives an email with the calculation of their ecological footprint.

From Jamgo we have created a backoffice based in Jamgo Framework to receive real-time consumption of electricity, water and waste in the hostel. A calculation engine has also been developed based on the route and means of transport used by the client to calculate its CO2 emissions. These calculations are translated into indicators that are displayed in real time and graphically in a webapp developed in React.

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