Web & APPS development

Web platforms and mobile apps are key to communicating projects, products and services. Are you thinking of making a website? Need an app that meets the needs of the members of your business or organization? We support you to develop the ideal website or application for your project.

Ecological Footprint Calculator

Casa Jam Barcelona is a hostel that promotes responsible tourism and generating environmental awareness is key for them. With that purpose, we have developed a tool to calculate the ecological footprint of the hostel’s clients. It is an application in which the client can enter his travel data and consult his average daily consumption of light, water and waste during his stay in the hostel. At the end of their stay, the client receives an email with the calculation of their ecological footprint.

From Jamgo we have created a backoffice based in Jamgo Framework to receive real-time consumption of electricity, water and waste in the hostel. A calculation engine has also been developed based on the route and means of transport used by the client to calculate its CO2 emissions. These calculations are translated into indicators that are displayed in real time and graphically in a webapp developed in React.

TreasureFamilyApp is an app that allows users to observe how children grow from 0 to 6 years old and offers personalized advice. It empowers families to recognize the most prominent indicators of their child’s development and makes it easier for them to know what to do if they are worried about their child’s growth. The App offers a questionnaire at the beginning of each age range, where the baby or child is assessed.

We have developed an app for iOS and Android connected to a backoffice developed with our framework where more than 2000 activities and resources are presented to follow the evolution of children with graphics and personalized circuits.

TreasureFamilyApp is the result of the mutual cooperation between the cooperatives Baulacreix, Magroc, Deltacoop, Claraboia and Jamgo.

Sostre Cívic – Cohousing Project Website

Sostre Cívic is an organization that promotes an alternative to the current housing model: the assigned-for-use housing co-operative, or cohousing. In response to the housing crisis in Barcelona, many people are turning to the Sostre Cívic housing model. At this time of growth, the organization has decided to make a new website within the framework of a communication strategy that can offer more answers to the cooperative members.
A responsive website has been developed with the WordPress content manager. The challenges of the project have consisted of laying out the tailor-made effects of the design and working with WordPress blocks to create reusable elements that make content editing easy for the Sostre Civic team.


The CercaCOOP mobile app was created with the intention of becoming a reference app with up-to-date information on Catalan cooperatives. To unify the available information on cooperatives, we have built a backoffice platform that allows, from a web interface, to edit the information of the different Catalan cooperatives.

We have developed an app for Android, IOS and Windows Phone designed to display backoffice information in a friendly way, as there are more than 4000 records of cooperatives.

Fira d’Economia Solidària de Catalunya – Mobile App

The Social and Solidarity Economy Fair is an event organized by the Solidarity Economy Network. The Fair is a meeting point for many of the organizations that are part of the ESS in Catalonia. The Fair Mobile App (available for iOS and Android) is designed so that visitors can find the organizations participating in the Fair, the program of activities organized by day, the plans of the venue and the frequently asked questions, among others.

It is a platform with three parts that interconnect with each other: a back office to manage data (entities, talks, categories, notifications, etc.), REST services to publish this data, and an app for Android and iOS which consumes these services to show the user all the available information.

Ionic, Angular, Java, Spring, Vaadin

Decode European Project – Mobile App

The ability to access, control and use personal data has become a means by which internet companies can drive profits. DECODE is a decentralized platform that put individuals in control of whether they keep their personal data private or share it for the public good

DECODE is an experimental project to develop practical alternatives to how we use the internet today – four European pilots will show the wider social value that comes with individuals being given the power to take control of their personal data and given the means to share their data differently. The app that we have developed offers privacy, anonymous but authenticated participation on internet platforms, granular control over the exchange of data with communities, storage and sharing of encrypted data, including IoT data.

React Native, Zenroom

Revista Opcions – Online Magazine Website

Revista Opcions is an online magazine specializing in responsible consumption. We have created a more intuitive, dynamic and mobile-friendly website for the magazine. Some key elements for the viability of the project have been considered, such as the possibility of inserting advertising, calls to action for subscription and the possibility of online subscription.

Another important area of the project has been the advice on search engine positioning given to the team of the project. Given the importance of content in a digital medium, a good initial SEO strategy can make a big difference in the impact of the project.


Voltes Cooperativa – Architecture Website

Voltes is a cooperative of architecture and urbanism that focuses its practices as a tool for social transformation.The transition from collective to cooperative of Voltes also meant a new name for the project, a new graphic identity and a new website.

Each of the templates on the page have been created from scratch to get the tailored-made design of the site. The Foundation framework has been used to provide a responsive grid layout. The solution to fit the discordant elements with the grids was to “break” in those sections where some objects are on top of others.


El Viejo Topo – Online Magazine Website

El Viejo Topo is a political-themed magazine that has been published since 1976. In the current publishing context, where traditional newspapers and magazines are in the process of transformation, El Viejo Topo has opted for a new website that includes different types of content and that covers their journalistic, ideological and commercial needs. The WordPress site developed for this project is multi-device and the content is easy to edit.

Another important area of the project has been the advice of the team on search engine positioning. Given the importance of content in a digital medium, a good initial SEO strategy can make a big difference in the impact of the project.
