Custom software

We design and develop custom computer applications. We study the objectives,  the activity and specific needs of your business or organization and offer custom technological solutions.

Volunteer Management Tool – Fundació Espigoladors

Fundació Espigoladors is a non-profit organization that fights against food waste. As part of their activity, they organize gleanings: harvest and collection of food that cannot be sold and that is distributed to social entities. We have participated in the digitization of this process, improving the management and logistics of the gleanings. We have done this with the creation of a Python backoffice that connects volunteers, gleanings and producers.
The application also has a map that volunteers can use to locate other nearby volunteers with whom to share transport to the gleaning field. The tool also offers the foundation a solution adapted to mobile devices to control attendance at the gleanings.

Ecological Footprint Calculator

Casa Jam Barcelona is a hostel that promotes responsible tourism and generating environmental awareness is key for them. With that purpose, we have developed a tool to calculate the ecological footprint of the hostel’s clients. It is an application in which the client can enter his travel data and consult his average daily consumption of light, water and waste during his stay in the hostel. At the end of their stay, the client receives an email with the calculation of their ecological footprint.

From Jamgo we have created a backoffice based in Jamgo Framework to receive real-time consumption of electricity, water and waste in the hostel. A calculation engine has also been developed based on the route and means of transport used by the client to calculate its CO2 emissions. These calculations are translated into indicators that are displayed in real time and graphically in a webapp developed in React.

Les Meves Ajudes – social benefits tool

Les Meves Ajudes is a Barcelona City Council tool designed so that citizens can easily find information about the social benefits to which they are entitled. The application works anonymously and, based on the information entered by the user, indicates what benefits can be requested, as well as an estimate of the amount and the procedures to request them.

The web application is presented through a Drupal site. This content manager embeds the Benefits Simulator Application, made in React. The engine that performs the benefits calculation has been programmed using the Open Source OpenFisca platform.

React, NodeJS, Express, Python, OpenFisca

Social Balance – tool for accountability of social impact

Social Balance is a tool of the Solidarity Economy Network designed for accountability and measurement of social, environmental and good governance impact of solidarity economy entities. For this tool we have built an application that allows users from different organizations to respond to questionnaires where they can self-assess in terms of their environmental impact, gender perspective, work environment, etc.

This application is connected to a backoffice or management area that allows the project team to review the questionnaires answered by the organizations, filter and export the answers, add/edit/delete new modules, indicators and questions and relate them to each other, among other functionalities.

Java, Spring, Vaadin

Pam a pam – social and solidarity economy map


Pam a pam is the collaborative map of the Social and Solidarity Economy of Catalonia. A collective tool that contributes to social transformation through the visibility of initiatives that operate under the criteria of the solidarity economy.

The main objectives of the project at an external level have been to improve the design, usability and functionality of the Pam to Pam web platform. Internally, the main goal was for the new platform to improve project data management and internal communication flows between project workers and volunteers. With this intention, we have built a backoffice in Java to manage the internal information and a web application based on WordPress.

Wordpress, Spring, Vaadin

Directory of Social Economy Organizations

The Online Directory of Social Economy Organizations is a tool promoted by Barcelona City Council. It is designed as a search engine to show the existing organizations in the Social Economy and that draws directly from the official records of the field.

We have built a platform composed of a Java backoffice and a WordPress-based web application connected by a REST API. The content manager together with the backoffice allows the project managers, autonomously and with minimal effort, to easily update and manage information.

APPel lloc – cohousing projects app

APPel lloc is an online application promoted by Perviure to assess the economic and architectural feasibility of cohousing projects. Perviure is an organization that works to guarantee the viability of cooperative housing projects in all their dimensions: economic and financial, relationships, legal and architectural.

The APPel lloc software allows you to add/edit/delete the housing groups, manage the master data of the profiles, simulations and surveys and analyze the simulations of the housing groups. With the data entered in the simulations, the application makes a projection of the economic viability of the project.

Java, Spring, Vaadin

Téstate – HIV testing platform

Téstate is a project promoted by The Center for Epidemiological Studies on Sexually Transmitted Infections and AIDS in Catalonia – CEEISCAT. The platform is designed for users to self-test HIV at home. In fact, this first prototype of the platform is meant to analyze the acceptability of this type of diagnosis.

One key aspect of the project is usability. The platform had to be simple and understandable and give enough confidence to users to take an HIV online test. Bearing in mind that most users access the platform via mobile, it has been a challenge to work on a well thought-out and tested mobile version of the application. For the backoffice part, it was key that all data could be exported in order to be analyzed for the research project.

Angular, NodeJS, Express, MongoDB

Irídia – backoffice application

Irídia offers free legal and psychosocial assistance to people who suffer situations of institutional violence within the Catalan penal system, the project is known as Attention and Complaint Service in Situations of Institutional Violence (SAIDAVI in catalan)

The center manages the follow-up of complaints with a tailor-made tool that facilitates the entry of cases, their advice and follow-up. For the development of this service, we have used the Jamgo Framework, which has allowed SAIDAVI staff to centralize all their information in a management backoffice.

Java, Spring, Vaadin

Governance platform

Digital tool promoted by La Confederación. The platform is designed to collectively move towards improving internal participation and democratic management of third sector organizations.

The software developed allows organizations to register and generate an initial diagnosis of the organization’s democratic status. Based on the responses and other programmed variables, the application automatically generates a democratic governance matrix model. The application’s backoffice allows users to manage the master data, prepare the surveys and check the data collected in the matrix model.

Python, Django

Snappy Research – real-time market research

Snappy Research is a web application for real-time market research. The application allows the users to create questionnaires based on the objectives of their campaign. Respondents use an app on their mobile device to answer the surveys, and as they complete them, the user sees the results on the dashboard via graphs and tables that he can download into spreadsheets.

As a whole, it is a highly complex system that has required, along with the standard development work, exhaustive technological architecture work and customer support in the processes of analysis of requirements and technological decisions.

PHP, Symfony, Java, Spring, Vaadin

TCQi – time planning of a construction project

TCQi is a software promoted by ITEC, the Catalonia Institute of Construction Technologies. TCQI has been designed for the time planning of a construction and allows linking the activity of a work to a budget. One of the most interesting features of the tool is that it allows you to create a Gantt chart to plan the calendar and edit it dynamically.

The great challenges of the project have been the rewriting of complex algorithms provided by the client, the implementation of unit tests to verify their correct operation, the integration with other application modules and the layout of the Gantt chart so that it is easily editable.

Angular JS, Java, Spring